Obtain a copy of your credit report. This will provide your “credit worthiness” to the lender. Please see the section on credit reports.
If your names not registered, you’ll find banks, building societies may not consider you. You can register to vote online or by post.
Paying any direct debits or credit agreements you may have on time is a great way to prove to lenders that you’re capable of managing finances effectively.
Ideally you should clear as much outstanding debt as you can before applying for new credit. This is because banks, building societies and credit card companies might be hesitant about lending you more if you already have a lot of existing debt
Having a spouse, friend or family member’s credit rating linked to yours through a joint account could affect your credit score. If this is an ex-partner you may be able to remove this connection via a letter of disassociation - https://ins.experian.co.uk/disassociation
Lenders look for stability and may feel more comfortable if they see evidence that you have lived at one address for a considerable period of time.
If you have no credit then it is wise to apply for a credit card even low limit cards or credit repair credit cards if you have a poor or low score. Use often and pay in full on time will see you build your score.